This book has been written to help students prepare for the Key Word Transformation part of the Use of English paper (grammar) of the Cambridge English :B2 First exam.
It will give you a good understanding of the different grammatical structures commonly used in this part of the Use of English test, e.g. passive - active voice , conditional sentences , phrasal verbs, idioms, set phrases, comparative-superlative, causative verbs, linking words,etc.
If you want to learn how to do Key word transformation exercises effectively, this book is for you.

This book has been written to help students prepare for the Key Word Transformation part of the Use of English paper (grammar) of the Cambridge English: C1 Advanced exam.
It will give you a good understanding of the different grammatical structures commonly used in this part of the Use of English test, e.g. passive - active voice , impersonal passive, conditional sentences , inverted conditionals, inversions, set phrases, comparative-superlative, causative verbs, phrasal verbs, linking words, etc.
If you want to learn how to do Key word transformation exercises effectively, this book is for you.

This book has been written to help students prepare for the Key Word Transformation part of the Use of English paper (grammar) of the Cambridge English: C2 Proficiency.
It will give you a good understanding of the different grammatical structures commonly used in this part of the Use of English test, e.g. passive - active voice , impersonal passive, conditional sentences , inverted conditionals, inversions, set phrases, comparative-superlative, causative verbs, phrasal verbs, linking words, etc.
If you want to learn how to do Key word transformation exercises effectively, this book is for you.

Learn the techniques and strategies that will help you excel at part 7 of the Reading and Use of English paper , i.e. the gapped text exercise.
This book has been written to help students prepare for part 7 of the Reading and Use of English paper of Cambridge English FCE and CAE exams.
It will show you how to approach the test in a different and more effective way. You will learn many techniques and strategies that are not taught anywhere else, the kinds of things that are learnt by doing dozens of gapped text exercises and analyzing the whys and hows of every answer.

This is the book that will help you pass the second part of the Cambridge Use of English test, i.e. the always difficult Open Cloze task.
It contains detailed explanations and examples of why you should choose one word rather that another.
Easy to understand grammar explanations with many examples , will help you understand the grammar behind every word choice.
There are also very specific techniques and strategies that will allow you to avoid the most common mistakes students make on this part of the Use of English test.

When it comes to doing any piece of writing , it is always helpful to have some examples so that you can get an idea of what you need to do. This is what you will find in this book. This book contains 36 examples of different texts, such as reports, proposals, articles, etc., written by real students who took either the FCE or the CAE writing examinations. These texts achieved a pass at grade A, which means that they scored over 80% .

This guide will help you understand how to do part 3 of the Cambridge FCE and CAE Reading and Use of English test, i.e. word formation exercises.
It will provide you with a good understanding of how words are converted from one class into another as well as giving clear explanations on how to come up with the right word by noticing the words before and after the gap.This guide will prove very useful for both intermediate and advanced students who want to pass the Cambridge English exams.

This guide will walk you through the best ways of approaching the different parts of both the FCE and the CAE speaking paper of the Cambridge English examinations. It includes a compilation of tips , techniques and general advice from Cambridge examiners on what to do to pass the speaking test.
There are also Dos and Don’ts tables for each part of the exam. A large number of pictures and visual prompts for Part 2 and Part 3 have been included. They will help you prepare without needing to resort to other books.
This guide is ideal for any student of English who wants to pass the speaking paper of the FCE or the CAE Cambridge English examination.

This guide will walk you through the best ways of approaching the two parts of both the FCE and the CAE writing paper of the Cambridge English examinations. It includes a compilation of tips, techniques and general advice from Cambridge examiners on what to do to pass the writing test.
There are also Dos and Dont’s tables for boths parts of the exam.
Examples of different pieces of writing, both formal and informal,have been included.They will help you prepare without needing to resort to other books.
This guide is ideal for any student of English who wants to pass the writing paper of the FCE or the CAE Cambridge English examination.

This ebook contains a compilation of 110 common and frequently seen writing mistakes in both the FCE and the CAE writing tasks.By learning to recognise and avoid such errors, you can improve your writing skills, and therefore get better marks in your exam.
Take some time to familiarise yourself with the mistakes included on this ebook and remember to always check your piece of writing for mistakes before you hand it in

Learning grammar and improving your writing skills isn't enough to master the English language. You must understand common English idioms if you want to pass the CAE or CPE examinations.
Frequently, the answer to one of your reading test question will lie behind an idiom that you are not familiar with. The same applies to the listening test, you might understand most of what is being said only to get lost after hearing the obligatory idiom.
This book contains 300 of the most common idioms that usually turn up in CAE and CPE examinations.