IMPORTANT and UNIMPORTANT (adjectives).pdf IMPORTANT and UNIMPORTANT (adjectives).pdf
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Are you struggling with writing and looking for inspiration? Look no further!

Our book is packed with 36 examples of high-scoring texts from real students who passed the FCE or CAE writing examinations with flying colours. From reports to proposals to articles, you'll find diverse examples to guide you in your writing journey. Each text scored over 80%, earning a pass at grade A.

Get your hands on this book and take your writing to the next level!

synonyms for important and unimportant, adjectives meaning important, chief, critical, crucial, fundamental, imperative, instrumental, key, major, overriding, paramount, preponderant, salient, significant, vital, adjectives meaning unimportant, frivolous, inconsequential, inessential, insignificant, minor, negligible, peripheral, petty, secondary, trifling, trivial, B2 first writing test, C1 Advanced writing test, how to write a B2 First essay, how to write an essay for B2 First, How to write an essay for C1 advanced, how to write an essay for CAE